This message is from: CHERYL GARNICA <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Triplets, another child, and a new horse???  Wow, wonder woman!!  Maybe can 
teach the fjord how to babysit!!LOL!  Have only had mine 3 weeks now and know 
why people call them great family horses.  Not a mean bone in his body, very 
curious and friendly as everyone says.
Cheryl in Ca where it WAS sunny 80 the weekend, pea soup clouds today; early 
June gloom

Jean Ernest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
This message is from: Jean Ernest 

Hi Jackie,

Welcome! Where do you live? And tell us more about Marla.. who are her 
dam and sire? It is always fun to find Fjord "family members"!

Jean in Fairbanks, Alaska, partly cloudy and 60 degrees today.

>Proud New Owner of A Fjord
>Hi Everyone-I am a PROUD new owner of a Fjord. She is my first horse after
>11 years of being horseless. We have owned her for only 1 week but she is
>just great. My name is Jackie and our Fjord is Marla. I have a wonderful
>husband and an 8 year old daughter and 6 year old triplets(1 boy and 2 girls)
>we are just all in heaven, Marla is just great with them. I have been
>reading the digest this last week and thought I would just say hello and I am
>looking forward to meeting everyone. Jackie "T"

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