This message is from: "Mike May, Registrar NFHR" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

At 02:46 PM 5/23/2005, you wrote:
This message is from: "Carol Riviore" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hello Everybody from Carol Rivoire at Beaver Dam Farm in Nova Scotia -

I have not heard officially that BDF Kanada King died. However, the word has come from several sources over the last year -- At least, a year . . . probably longer. --

I have official confirmation of his death from Penny Stuckey. He died in Sept of 2003.



Norwegian Fjord Horse Registry
Mike May, Executive Director & Registrar
PO Box 685
Webster, NY  14580-0685

Voice 585-872-4114
FAX 585-787-0497

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