This message is from: "Dave and Patti Walter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

THANKS For the picture that was GREAT to see them.  As far as replacement, I'm
not sure I have written my contact but he's so busy I never get a reply.  I
had heard thru the grapevine they bought a couple of geldings.  BUT...that
doesn't make sense to me because Sasha HATES geldings and only ever wants
stallions.  BUT I don't really know forsure, thanks again for sharing that was
great to open that this morning.

Getting old, didn't go to the show this morning, it was raining and told
myself I wasn't going if it was. Silas could have cared less. Having Francis
Creek Fjords 1 and 2 is getting to be LONG hours.  I have Rokida's Niklaus
boarded at the neighbors facility with 4 outsides mares that wanted to bred to
him. We got 3 bred, the 4th one nope.  Now we just wait until we can check

Ole has his first conception of the year, Peg Spears' Mare, Sparrow is leaving
today.  What a lovely mare, gonna be one fine baby!  She is replaced with
Diane Bell's Mare Sara.  BIG BIG mare, 15+hh. She has had 2 Ole colts and is
hoping for a filly.  Ole is happily awaiting the 5 more mares he gets, their
still is room if you are considering breeding your mare.

On another note I just have to add for the millionth time, how fortunate I am
to have Fjords and especially Ole.  My tractor broke when I was gonna drag my
indoor.  BUT, have no fear I just hitched Ole up to the drag and he does a
better job then that tractor any day!

Patti Jo Walter

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