This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hello Birgit,
Thank you so much for taking the time to explain in detail about this  
evaluation process.  It is of great help to those of us who wish to compare  
various systems, or to learn about the Norwegian system.
It appears the biggest difference between the Norwegian and American  
evaluations has to do with offspring.  Apparently, offspring are a major,  if 
most important, aspect of the Norwegian system.  Our system places  no value on 
the offspring, whatsoever.  In fact, a stallion could be rated  as the highest 
scoring stallion in America and hold a blue ribbon for the  duration of his 
lifetime, but produce inferior offspring throughout.   We Americans have 
certainly seen examples of this happening with  other horse breeds, no doubt! 
The emphasis Norway places on the offspring makes a lot of sense.  I  have 
always known this but never really took the time to thoroughly THINK about  
in comparison to our own system.  Interestingly enough, our decision  to 
purchase our new stallion, Sivert, was based upon his lineage AND his  
In fact, seeing his offspring was the final decision maker for  us.
I guess for mare owners here in America, looking at the offspring of the  
stallion at question would be more important than evaluation scores.  I am  not 
saying we should downplay these scores, not at all!  But the scores do  not 
show the entire picture of the stallion.  I would imagine that  eventually, our 
system will take offspring into account as it is  important!
Thanks again, Birgit, you have been very kind!
In a message dated 5/17/2005 12:33:13 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  

In  Digest no 106 Lynda asked me to tell more about the evaluation
system in  Norway. First I must say that I am not an expert, so I will
stick to what I  am 99,99 percent sure of. It must also be mentioned
that today's rules are  different from the 25 year old rules on  some

Thanks much,  references are available. 

Lynda and Daniel
White Cloud,  MI

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