This message is from: "Susan Harrison" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hello all...thought I would attempt to write the "list" again.  The last
time, my posts did not go through (for some reason). I need some advice.....
I have a friend with a three year old quarter horse gelding that got kicked
in the area of his stifle. He is lame by times and the injury occured at
least two months ago...maybe longer.  What could have happened in there and
has anyone had any experience in treating this injury?  From what I can
gather in an online search, it is very difficult for even a vet to decipher
just what the injury might be.  Suggestions anyone?  She has tried to ride
him and he pulls up lame, he seems to be ok for awhile and then gimpy for
Randy and I have been riding Storm and Peppin and are having a great time on
them. The trails are muddy from all the rain but the boys go thru anything
they are pointed at....awsome ponies!!!....but you all know that Fjords are
awsome! (<:  By the way, Peppin's "gassy" problem that he had, cleared up
when we quit feeding grain. They just get hay and Sunshine plus now.
Whew...what a relief...a clean butt at last. *grin
Well happy trails everyone from Sue in N.B.  (Storm and Peppin's mom)

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