This message is from: briar hill farm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

My Zoe, AKA "the Power Pack", now 18, is 13.3. In our time together Zoe (Solar x Zeera) and I have competed through 1st level dressage (scores in mid 60's), we've done horse trials and hunter pace. She's won a couple on Competitive Trail events. Zoe jumps 3 foot, willingly. What she lacks in style, she makes up with a can do attitude. Last year Zoe started driving. She's represented Fjords at Equitana USA, carried the flag in opening ceremonies and she has been in the night show at Equine Affaire in MA. In demos, she's done tandem riding, jumped rope and demonstrated bomb proofing. She's fun for me to ride and a good ride for beginners; she seems to know the difference. The best part is, that she never ceases to make me laugh every time I ride her. A couple of years ago, I took Zoe to a dressage clinic. We were probably the only horse under 16h. The instructor, a French gentleman, asked with disdain at the beginning of the clinic, "Is that a pony?" "Is that a problem?" I replied. The second day, Zoe was doing beautiful legthenings, really showing off. "Look at the little one" the clinician was shouting to the whole class, "look at the little one". He had everybody stop and watch us and applauded. Yep, she always gives me a good laugh. Don't discount the little ones. When I got Zoe, I was searching for a tall gelding and brought home a small mare and never regretted it. Her heart and soul are far bigger than most horses.

Briar Hill Farm
  • 13.3 briar hill farm

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