This message is from: "Janne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Thank you so much to all who emailed us either here or privately, - have no
time to get back to each of you.  The filly is doing quite well so far,
drinking well from a bucket.  We are still hoping for a replacement mare, but
so far no word on any available in ND or near us anywhere.  Dale Hinkle has a
mare that has a 4 week old foal on her, and we thouhgt of trying to see if she
would take on another.  Those fjords are huge milkers, - but then again, it
may be to late, lots of nipple confusion in this poor thing.  She kicked up
her heels just now, and really adores my little 3 year old daughter in the
stall with her.  I have a recliner in the stall , so when we feed we can take
it easy and visit with her.  Quite a sight.  I have not named her yet, just
cannot until we are over the hump so to speak.  She is a doll tho.

The post from earlier on Gayle Ware's mare and Julie's sounds just right.
We'll never know, but cannot look back either, as nothing could have been



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