This message is from: "Ruth Bushnell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Bless you. for your words. I have been disturbed lately by the lack of confidence a group of people have been giving the BOD and the volunteers that have worked>....... In no instant. has any one director or volunteer been out for themselves. They have been working for the betterment of the organization. ......... Catherine

Aren't we all?...conversely speaking, have you no confidence in the participating membership? (incidentally, that was "Genie" you were addressing, not Gina) Is every member suggestion to be misconstrued as undermining?

I wholeheartedly believe that everyone in the NFHR leadership is earnestly doing their best, ...I salute them, I applaud them, I support them ! I too try to do my best as an NFHR member who cares very much about the organization. Maybe I can't do as much as they, but I can do what little I can do.

In fact, I have enough confidence in them to believe that they would want someone to speak up if they saw an error or an omission, as I imagine they would prefer having all the assistance they can get! (I know I would)

Pointing out that the bylaw committee "threw the baby out with the bathwater" when they rewrote the bylaws, should be an invaluable and welcome contribution to their efforts as I'm certain they never abandoned the membership intentionally.

Ruthie, nw mt

  • Many comments Catherine lassesen
    • Re: Many comments Ruth Bushnell

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