This message is from: "Warren Stockwell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I worked at a Arabian breeding ranch years back and was taught how to handle
stallions. I would not ( at this point in time ) make the mistake of
thinking I am qualified to own one of my own and here in my current home
situation.  The trainer and manager of this barn had an ominous presence and
had total respect of all the horses, she had a special way with the boys.
Both of the boys were in tie stalls no boxes for these guys except when they
were young babies and didn't know anything. She raised them both, and
trained them from the moment they hit the ground it started. Anyone cold
handle them but she was always on the watch for bad manners. These guys knew
one step out of line and it would be dealt with swiftly! she would come out
of no where to instill correction. I still don't kow how she knew where or
when to be, must be a sixth sense. This was a wisp of a woman Couldn't have
been 5 feet or 115 lbs. managing 1000 lbs. plus or minus with love and
consistency. These boys worked hard for her every time and gave her all they
had plus. When the lesson was done she spent copious time grooming, loving
them and respecting them for the work well done. She took the time to feed
them emotionally as well as physically. I learned lots from her and if put
in the situation I could hold my own but I know my limitations and am very
aware that their are some horse folk that just have the touch with the guys.
I choose to let those that are graced with that skill to do so, rather than
take a chance of doing a poor job and misrepresenting my breed of choice or
make a horse look poorly due to my or lack of the natural talent.

I have great respect for those who choose to do a good job by their guys and
show them to be of good body as well as mind.

Not everyone should handle a stallion. There are risks involved in handling
any horse and a stallion presents more ( in general ), both physical and
legally. My hats off to all you who take on those challenges.


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