This message is from: "Reena Giola" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Hi All
Gus is finally starting to shed, all of those nice long hairs.......and they never seem to stop coming out no matter HOW long I groom.....!!! ok, on to my curious question.... I've always lucked out when I've bought my horses, that they have been near me and I was able to get to know them 'so to speak' and test ride before buying.....but I know that won't always be the case. How do you all go about buying? if it's far from you, do you ask for a video? then fly/drive to see them? if not, and you purchase the horse, do you have a local vet examine them where they live or when they arrive? How do you make sure that said horse is exactly what you're looking for?! This kind of came up when the message about the underweight fjord, Tyra came through and all of the problems she had before the horse even got to her...... Reena