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<< Ceacy had two different mares come in to be breed to Konggard and both of 
them , from different owners, had blazes and white stockings! The owners had 
no idea that the white markings........especially these.......were not 
desireable at all  in the fjord horse. They were not told this by the breeder 
who sold 
these mares to them. >>

    Do you know how wide the blazes were, and/or how high the stockings were? 
 Were the top of the stockings flat or did they have a point?  Did the blaze 
go down onto the lower lips/chin?  
    I ask because oftentimes blazes and high white stockings are due to the 
Sabino gene, which is not the same gene that causes the white stars seen in 
Fjords (that gene is recessive, while Sabino is dominant).

In the Mountains SW of Denver, CO

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