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Hi all.  
I'd like to introduce myself.  My name is Julie and I live in Sunny Fl. I 
have the pleasure to share our farm with two fjords which we got last summer as 
yearlings.  These are my first hands on experience with the breed and I must 
say what little characters they are.
I had seen a fjord at a fair several years ago and thought to my self Gosh 
what a neat horse. smaller than what I'm used to and very calm and willing. 
(most of our horses are between 15'3 and 16'2 hands, And I don't believe some 
them have both oars in the water.vbg) To make a long story short I had been 
pestering my husband about them to the point that he finally relented thinking 
won't be able to probably find one with in the budget We'd decided on. (fooled 
him!!!) Not only did I find what I was looking for a cute brown dun colt.  
but he turned around and bought a gray dun filly. Being new to this particular 
breed of horse I am excited to be able to talk to other fjord owners about 
their experiences.

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