This message is from: "Carol Riviore" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hello Everybody from Carol Rivoire at Beaver Dam Farm in Nova Scotia ---

Each Spring, we accept a limited number of good quality horses to sell at
our farm on consignment.

Hi Carole,

I was interested in how you deal with the insurance liability question for
your internship program.  I am not sure you noticed my question, but would
love to hear your response.

Hi Gail,

How do we deal with it? -- We buy insurance, and pay the premiums. I don't mean to be flip, but insurance is one of the costs of doing usiness. -- I have a "notice" hanging over my desk . . . . Something called "10 Rules for the successful businessperson" Actually, it says "businessman" One of the rules is ---- "KEEP SOBER AND KEEP INSURED". -- We try to operate by these rules.

Best Regards,  Carol

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