This message is from: "Pat Holland" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

The "Chronicle of the Horse" has an online survey.

They asked not what New Year's resolutions they might be thinking of making,
but what resolutions they hoped their horses would adopt.

How they voted:
 (99 respondents)

1. Not consider my buddy's blanket a major food group.       9/9%
2. Not to roll anymore. Crusted mud is so last year.              29/29%
3. Only go barefoot when farrier takes my shoes off.             13/13%
4. To give up hallucinating monsters at every turn.                  34/34%
5. To stop fertilizing my water bucket.

Very cold in northwestern Illinois - I think it was     -7 this morning. We
had a major rain with thunder and lighting Thursday before the temps
plummeted, Dorothy Hamill could not have stayed vertical around here on

Pat in NW Ill.

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