This message is from: Lois Berenyi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Not bad here in coastal North Carolina. We've had temps in the 70's for past two weeks with lots of sun. Have had some lovely beach walks. Anya, the Fjord mare, however does not particularly appreciate the balmy weather. She looks and smells like a wet dog. Squirrels are burying nuts for winter but I'm not sure when that's going to arrive as stuff starts to blossom out in late February.

So far the weather has been perfect since we arrived in August despite a few scares from the hurricanes that just brushed our area south of Wilmington. My original boarding solution was a disaster. Pastures were full of trees, hay was skimpy so Anya decided to peel bark off the trees. She lost weight, odd for a Fjord and then I discovered that during days and days of rain she was left in the pasture without shelter despite having her own stall in the barn. I think because she was so easy-going and non-demanding they took her for granted. To protect the trees they kept her muzzled a good deal of the time. She could graze if there was grass (there wasn't) but could not eat the hay thrown on the ground. I arrived one day to find her ankle deep in muck (the stable is on/in a swamp) and from the wetness of her "fur" she had been out a long time in all the rain and mud. I could have cried. This is not the way I took care of horses. Sufficient to say I moved her to a western pleasure barn and the care is much better although the horse philosophy is still not quite what I believe. Their emphasis is on western pleasure performance horses and for me this is an eye-opener coming from the dressage-oriented world. I've asked them to keep Anya exercised but I do not want her to be put in a horizontal frame with poky steps that don't get anywhere. When I bought Anya Carol R. said her trot could have been better. If she could see her now in contrast to the WP horses Anya could qualify for the Spanish Riding School.

This still is not horse country by any stretch. Horses and dogs are kept by many as objects to be used with no thought as to their living conditions or treatment. As far as dogs are concerned there is a big problem in this county with strays and one of the reasons is that the hunters hunt from pickup trucks with packs of hounds. They set the hounds loose in the dense forests and whatever dogs haven't returned to the truck are left behind when the hunter is done for the day. Some do use radio collars and try to locate their dogs but many do not. We've adopted a really cute beagle that showed up at our door and from her behavior knew she had never been a pet of any sort. When I tried to find the owner I was told by the locals not to bother; that she was probably just a "throwaway" hunting dog. The local shelters are full to overflowing with hound-type dogs. The beagle was young and with a basic good temperament but very frightened and semi-starved. She appeared to be a well-bred animal. I advertised and posted ads all around but got no replies so we took her in and she has become a delightful, and well-fed, pet.

I'm just hoping someone will come along, most likely from out of the area, and establish a decent equine facility with forward-thinking management. I'd be so tempted but can't convince my husband to get involved in all of this again after selling out everything up in NJ. So now I'm a "boarder" again and am finding it quite disconcerting since I know the pitfalls of this business on both sides of the wheelbarrow.

Lois Berenyi in Shallotte, NC, a mile from the beach. Many benefits and amenities, just not for horses & dogs.

----- Original Message ----- From: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, January 12, 2005 3:14 PM
Subject: Re:winter blah

This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 1/12/05 1:26:38 AM,

Sorry can't help thi!s Temps today!
Omaha 19 degrees
Las Cruces 72 degrees

I am so happy I don't live north anymore!!!

ack!!!! central minnesota, snowing like crazy. temp tomorrow night -25, yup


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