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Hi All!
     I was glad to hear from Janet that my horse isn't the only one with a 
clothing fetish.  I, too, like to spend winter time in the barn just grooming 
and hugging and it also presents Braveheart with a wonderful opportunity to 
hat-snatch, mitten-grab and drawstring-pull.  I've streamlined as many of these 
fascinating accessories as possible and, of course, BH has been instructed that 
this behavior is a no-no.  Still, after combing tangles out of his forelock, 
when I back up to admire my work, I often find I can only go so far because he 
has quietly taken a big, fat mouthful of my coat front.  He then lets it go 
immediately and gives me his "surprised pony" face which translates into, "I 
have no idea how this huge wad of down jacket got between my lips!"  His 
pasture toy is an old sweatshirt I gave him that he uses to drag, shake and 
throw.  I hope that I can get another Fjord someday so he'll have somebody that 
he can teach to play tug-of-war with it.
    January thaw in SE MI today - serious winter is scheduled to return this 
weekend.  Stay warm everybody!

Yellow Pony Farm

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