This message is from: "Mark Knuth" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I have owned Sonny, 5 year old gelding, since June.  He is typical of the
Fjords as I've learned and lives to eat.  I try to behave and not overfeed
him.  I let him out 24/7 to eat 2 acres of pasture (he has a quarter horse
friend) and I give him 2 to 4 leaves of grassy hay also.  There is some
alfalfa in the hay.  At night he gets a grain pan with a handful of Moorglo
and a handful of oats.  Mostly just to let him think he's special and that
is what he got at his old home (which was next door!).  The last few days I
have given about 2cups of Moorglo because the pasture is so little.  Anyway,
yesterday morning when pulling out his hay I always smell it good to be sure
fresh and I did smell a musty smell.  I pulled and messed with it, I saw no
mold, so I threw away in trash part of it and gave the rest to the horses.
At 3:00 pm I noticed Sonny laying down which is not his normal behavior and
by 4:00 he was laying down, getting up, laying down, rolling etc.  I had the
vet out and then out again later due to him still being in pain.  Sonny got
the pain shots and the mineral oil down him and is fine now, but I am scared
to death!  I do not want him to suffer again.  He had never had colic before
so I must have done something.  Too much Moorglo or the hay was moldy.  Give
me any advice you might have or any experience with this.  I know I just
have to not feed him too much for one thing.  That sure is hard!!!  Thanks
for any advice.  Beth Knuth, in Indiana, near Wabash

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