This message is from: "Melissa Waters" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hello Fjord List,

With the discussion of Secret Santa I think I finally have to come out 
of my denial and realize that Christmas is indeed just around the 
corner.  Over the summer I have been doing some wood working and have 
some unique Fjord things for sale.  If you'd like to see them please go 
to and look at the 'other critters' tab.  Let me know 
what you think...

Now my question...I have an 8yr old Gelding that I have had for about 2 
years.  I am a novice rider and have been riding him around my property 
and in the neighbor's fields a couple times a week since I got him.  He 
is not what I would consider 'really responsive or supple' but he 
usually listens well and we have fun when we are out together.  He was 
used as a lesson horse for kids before I got him but as I later found 
out he was given back to his owner because he was 'too strong' for the 
children.  I suspect he was spoiled rotten cause he's cute and he is 
used to having his own way.  I have been working a lot on ground 
manners and not mugging for treats and this has come along quite well.  
Lately I have seen a change in him that is affecting our relationship 
as well.  He seems to be moving up the pecking order in our small herd 
(1 arab mare and 3 mini donkeys).  He now eats first and I have seen 
him chase the mare away.  When he came to live here he was definately 
bottom of the food chain.  I now see him doing things that make me 
think he is challenging me as well.  When I lunge him he will try to 
take off and run away (I don't have a round pen so lunge him in the 
pasture).  He runs a short distance (just far enough to get the line 
away from me) then stops and grazes.  I have also had him give me a few 
small bucks when I ask him to do something he doesn't really want to do 
when I'm riding him (like canter or stop).  When my mom and I take the 
horses out together for a ride he pins his ears and her mare and has 
also tried to nip at any of you have experience 
with 'dominance' behavior in your Fjords?  Do you think I'm reading him 
right?  I'd appreciate any advice or suggestions on what I should be 
doing with him...


Melissa & Leif (ruler of the world!)
in WINDY but Warm Acme Alberta

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