This message is from: "Ron & Sherrie Dayton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi everyone.

For several years my husband has been thinking about this project and I
thought I'd run it by all of you to see what the response, support would be.

He thought it would be nice to put together a book showing as many Fjord
Farms in North America, as well as farms in other places in the world as we
could.  The idea of the book is to show Fjord families and friends using and
playing with their fjords, riding, driving, farming and whatever else that
you do with your horses.    The idea would be to bring the Fjord community
closer by introducing each other and understanding how these horses have
impacted our lives.  This book is NOT an advertising tool for the individual
farms that choose to participate but rather a way of getting to know each
other better.  We would also like to include information about some of the
early breeders here in North America such as Gene Bauer who is no longer
with us but have someone like Betsy send in pictures and a write up about
her father and his farm, I'm just using Gene as an example because I know
that there are others as well.   It would be a two page format, one page for
photo's and another page for a write up about the farm/ranch.  The format is
8 ½ x 11 inches, each page turn would showcase a 2 page feature of each

The costs would be determined by what it costs to have this book put
together,  Sunwood Fjords does not intend to profit from this in any way,
sales of this book could in the future be used as a fundraiser for PNFPG.

Think about this and let me know if you're interested by e-mailing me
privately, and if you have any questions please ask,

Thanks for taking the time to read this,


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