This message is from: "Catherine lassesen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Please find below a message Mark McGinley wanted me to post to the Fjord

Thank you,


Catherine Lassesen



Dear list members,


Please find below a couple of posts that I had written to Steve in response
to his comments to the list regarding a board member leaving the list. I had
hoped Steve would have forwarded them to the list to answer some of your
concerns as well. I have asked Catherine to do this for me now. I'm only
sending my end of the correspondence since I haven't asked Steve's
permission to posts his end.








Dear Steve,


Please find below my reply to your recent post regarding your list and the
fact that it has experienced a "diminished voice" by my not receiving it
anymore. I'd like to comment on why I chose to cease my subscription to your
list since it was publicly released that I'm not on it anymore.


First off, the list is not an official NFHR list. I'm sure this is obvious
to you but I'm not sure it's as obvious to the list members. In fact one
doesn't have to be an NFHR member or even own a Fjord for that matter to
participate in the list. I'm not saying that this is a bad thing, I'm just
pointing out that as a way to disperse information about NFHR business it's
not the ideal format. We (the NFHR) should be talking to our members only
when discussing NFHR business. Since I am an NFHR official, anything I say
on your list can be taken as official business when in fact it should be
considered only my point of view.


Over the last year we have discussed (at the Board level) different ways of
getting info out to the members and ways of responding to them as well, and
how Board members really shouldn't be using this list officially, or at all.
There is a possibility in the future of the NFHR having a more direct means
of communication with our membership. 

Although we aren't sure what the format would be at this time.


Secondly, as I'm sure you were aware, some of the list responses to recent
discussions regarding NFHR matters were unnecessarily mean spirited and
seemed to include snide remarks, conspiracy theories, conjecture, and
mistruths. I did take offense to some of what was said but mostly just
didn't want to be part of a conversation where people just talk and don't
listen. This seems to happen on these lists and we can chose to be a part of
it or not. I chose not to.


I am more than happy to talk to anyone regarding NFHR business or Fjord
horses in general. By not being a member of your list I'm not retreating
from NFHR members or Fjord owners. I am online everyday and also carry a
cell phone. I can be reached and I am very interested in what people have to
say. My email address is [EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> and my 
phone #
is 715-373-2906.


Feel free to post this to the list. I'm sure it came across that I asked to
be taken off the list because I didn't enjoy the criticism that I had
received. While that may be true to some extent it had more to do with the
following: If I am not on the list I won't feel compelled to "officially"
answer subjects about the NFHR thus almost guaranteeing a battle with the
same 2 or 3 list members who use the list as almost a soapbox. This is the
main reason I left. To avoid the possibility of the "feeding frenzy" that
they seem to enjoy creating. If that's considered thin skinned so be it.


I do feel that the list shouldn't be censored in regards to NFHR matters.
The list should be a place where people can all state their views and
hopefully listen to other opinions as well. When we don't listen that is the
sad part.


Finally, The archives are still available to me if I want to see what's up
with this list. I confess I have looked at it over the last couple of days
to see what responses, if any, members had towards your post. I did get the
chance to read your comment to Fred Pack asking if he would sign off the
list if he is elected to the Board. This statement was uncalled for I
thought and basically more of the same stuff that motivated me to drop the
list. Sour grapes on your part?


NFHR members -If you really want to know you got the attention of a Board
member please write or call them directly. I guarantee you will be listened


Thank you,


Mark K. McGinley

NFHR Board Vice President

Mariposa Farm

Washburn, WI




Hello Steve,


When I first joined the Board I also thought that the list should be
monitored (and answered) by a Board member. I felt that it was important to
respond to our members. After a while I realized that almost all of the NFHR
concerns brought forward on the list were generated by a very small group of
people and many times the discussions deteriorated quickly into individual
agendas. While I agree that the list has a large number of members, the
vocal ones really only represent a small percentage of actual NFHR
membership. It's not an accurate sampling group of NFHR concerns and
certainly not the only way to have a finger on the pulse of our
organization. I have much more meaningful contact with a much larger cross
section of people by going to the Blue Earth show each year, the MWFHC's
winter meeting and the Minnesota Horse Expo. 

It would be nice to have some direct contact with the coasts as well but I'm
sure the Board members from those areas can convey their thoughts to the
rest of the Board.


While I also agree that there is nothing wrong with monitoring the list I do
disagree with the statement that there is much to be gained. I think the
value of the information on NFHR membership views is much smaller than you
are making it out to be. I actually think that the information gleaned from
the list could be considered in error do to the size of the of the "pool".
Much like an elected official acting only on the information he or she
receives via mail. Of course the only views you will receive are the most
vocal ones.


Once again thanks for taking the time to write to us at the Board (and me in
particular). I'm sure I'll check in occasionally with the Archives when I
have the time and as long as the password doesn't change others can too.


Mark McGinley

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