This message is from: "Ruth Bushnell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>  Hi, We are now the happy new owners of a 5 yr. old Fjord mare! My husband
Hank, daughter Margaret and I live in Mitchell County, North Carolina. We
are located in the mountains. Our mare was delivered three weeks ago, just
in time for hurricanes Frances and Ivan. We now await Jeanne and a little
rain, I hope that's all. This mare is absolutely wonderful. I have had
horses all of my life but have never had this personality. This past summer
we kept a friend's Fjord for 7 weeks. This experience led to the "hunt" for
a Fjord. Thanks to all we talked with throughout this journey. Other family
members include 2 geldings, an old pony mare, 4 dogs and 4 cats.  Lee
HardinMountains of NC
WELCOME to the Fjord Horse E-mail List and Congratulations on your new
personable Fjord acquisition. It pleases us to think that it was a Fjord of
ours that inspired you into acquiring your very own! =)) Our best wishes to
all of you, for your safety in the wake of Jeanne.

Ruthie, northwest Montana

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