This message is from: Rhonda Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

R.Taylor, Straw Hat Stables
Yes, cats do get bitten - and die. While living in New Mexico, several of my 
friends lost cats to rattlers. Usually the rattler was in the wood pile or wood 
shed, cat climbed up above on the wood and tried to pounce down - missed; snake 
didn't miss. My Fjord mare, Winnie, is "concerned" about anything that looks 
like a snake - she's never been bitten, but on a trail ride, if she sees a 
"snake" or "might be a snake" in the underbrush, she does a half-step jump to 
the side, and comes to a dead halt until it either slithers off, or she's 
convinced it is something that can't slither. I have had to turn her around and 
let another horse pass us then have her follow to convince her it was something 
non-snakey. The only time anyone has been thrown from her back is on that 
sidewise crow hop, and she's tossed 3 of us that way (I only got tossed from 
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