This message is from: "Pasqual, Patricia A" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

This has been such a peculiar summer, and not just the weather although it 
looks like it is making the record books as one of the coldest summers ever.

For me it has been more of the over-committedness:  visitors constantly, 
hosting foreign families/soccer players, a revolving door of trips for various 
family members.  Finally the end of summer weekend and we have blissfully 
nothing planned.

Elph has rebounded from his anemia with the help of a pelleted complete feed 
and red cell.  Poor guy, everyone else gets pasture during the day and he has 
to wait for me to hand graze him, even an hour of grazing is too much.  We have 
been doing more pleasure driving than anything, although I always end with 
fifteen minutes in the arena, working on bending, circles, figure 8's.  My 
husband and I recently took him to the Gateway Trail, a state trail pretty 
close to where I board.  A dual trail, one for horses, one for everything else 
imaginable (roller bladers, walkers, bikes) run parallel for 9 miles.  I don't 
think they see too many horses with carts on that trail, but it sure is perfect 
for it.  Elph did so well, it was a crowded Sunday morning, with ducks flying 
off the pond, beefalo type cattle lounging by the fence, and all the traffic on 
the trail.  I was very proud of how ho hum he was about it all.

I am hoping that next year we will be ready for some of the smaller shows, and 
maybe even Blue Earth.  A friend came out to ride him last night - I have been 
sidelined from riding for the past year for medical reasons - and they did so 
well together that I have visions of her doing the riding classes, and me doing 
the driving classes.  This year the show hit at the same time we were hosting 
three Mexican boys for a soccer tournament - it just wasn't doable.  I enjoyed 
hearing about it from all of you, it sounds like it gets bigger and better 
every year.

I have an OrthFlex saddle, and it usually needs tightening once a person gets 
one it, so slipping can be a hazard.  If you are light and quick when mounting, 
not a problem, otherwise having someone on the off side is helpful.

Tish and Elph in Minneapolis
Hey, summer's finally here!

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