This message is from: "Katherine Carter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Valerie, I had a very similar experience once with two Morgan 
mares.  My original mare (Jasmine) has been the dominant horse 
in our little herd.  Then I got Stella (another Morgan, both horses 
about 10 yrs old) and after keeping her in an adjacent pen for 
several days, let her out with the others.  Although they had been 
fine across the fence, when they were together they soon got into a 
royal kicking match, butt to butt, squealing and firing away!  I 
separated them and Jasmine was pretty sore from the encounter.  
However, these two horses eventually became the best of friends  --
  it turned out that Stella was a true alpha mare personality, and 
once the dominance issue was settled they got along great.  So 
it's entirely likely that your horses will eventually get along.

--Kathy in Maine

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