This message is from: "Dave and Patti Walter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Anyone going to the LaCrosse Eval on Sat. that could take some pictures of my
Stallion, Fair Acres Ole with Pat Holland handling him????? I can't make it on
Sat. because we are doing the drawing for ARIANNA!!!  AND I would really like
some photo's of the big guy in action.

I know there is a professional photographer there doing still shots, he had
that done last year while I took him in the conformation part of the
evaluation, but this year Pat is taking him in Draft and Intro Riding English.

I can't wait to get him back home on Sunday, and I know Pat will miss him

If anyone is going please email me privately, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Patti Jo Walter
Francis Creek Fjords
Two Rivers WI

I'll be calling one VERY LUCKY person this SAT. after the drawing!!!!!!

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