This message is from: "Catherine lassesen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

The art of listening is ....


The BOD is listening... our replies are the best we can make without seeing
you FACE TO FACE. Email is a strange animal and the perception in what you
read can mean two different things to two different people.


Your VOTE in NFHR is done thru your BOD.  If there are matters that you feel
strongly about. (I KNOW THE LOGO! :-) ) then talk to the BOD.


Believe me your voice has been heard! And we are listening!  


To batter people personally is not the way to go here... (Grandma always
said you get more bees with honey than vinegar.)


There are issues that the current Bylaws state that the membership has a
vote on and there are issues that are done within the BOD.  I do not know of
a Corporation that does a stockholder's vote on all issues. I am not
familiar with an on line corporation meeting that meets the legal
requirements.  If we look to the other corporations in our line of business,
NFHR is acting upon the similar regulations.  


The current BOD is working on tightening up our Bylaws and recording how the
structure of this organization ran and is running in the past 25 years. We
are also looking forward to the next 25 years and beyond. We are looking at
market trends and marketing the Fjord for the future. We would be lacking in
our duties to not include the possible change of the logo. 




Your individual views on this issue is clear. We thank you for them.  We
have also heard from several others on this issue that are not on the list.
We are listening to them also.




I was always taught that if I open my mouth and have a view I feel strongly
about it that I must be prepared to DO something about it.


Busy!  Yup... I am!  


I run a Bed, Barn and Breakfast. I manage a 30 horse boarding facility. I
volunteer locally and nationally for another organization. Our farm breeds 6
to 10 mares a year. I birth out 6 to 20 mares a year as part of the services
we offer at our barn. I help the Oregon Fjord Club put on the Major
attraction at the NW EXPO each year (Takes 365 days of planning), I teach
lessons in vaulting, riding and driving, I train horses with Resistance Free
methods, I train all my foals with imprinting session 3-5 times a day for
their first 3 weeks of life. We hold Clinics, shows and events at our
facility on weekends. I sell on ebay in the winter months. 


Our staff size is ONE... that is ME! :-)  I may hire others when I am bogged
down with a large event, specially if we are the hosts like at the
Evaluation... but most of the time it is ME.  (Rune joins in when he is


And yes, I am on the BOD... I do the distribution center as a volunteer. I
have been Secretary for 3 years. And I refuse to have this list get me upset
so that I request to be removed from it.  I DO LISTEN... I do pass on your
comments... and if I do not.... MIKE MAY does the passing on...



Do YOU HEAR... what I am trying to say... 




and if I can evoke 3 or more of you to say... "I am running for the BOD..."
then I have done my job... :-)


We need 4 or more to run to have an election.... In the past we have not had
elections... we had to beg people to get on the BOD.  This is your time to
step up to the plate... 


Put actions behind your words... If you have 1 hour a day... then you have
the same time I have... (Give up your TV for an hour...) :-)



Ok. Enough said. This is to inform you all that we have a major fire here in
Days Creek. (check out the news) Anyway, we have been moving the herd of
horses off property and to safe locations all though out the last 2 days and
nights. (I need a larger trailer ;-) ) 


I will not be able to communicate nor read the rest of your replies for
awhile due to relocating the humans off our farm and waiting the long wait
to see if your farm is "hit" or "missed" with fire.


I trust you all will have plenty to say and plenty to think and read about.
Many of you I will see at Libby and I look forward to talking with you in
person. I am not all that bad and "evil", :-). For those of you that do not
know Mike May, I believe he will be at the Evaluation. 


Please try not to wound us (BOD) too hard. We care, that is why we got on
the BOD. We are trying our best to work out the details of this organization
and to firmly set the foundation of it on the ground so that the future
(beyond our terms of office) can flourish.


See ya later. If you are a person of prayer. Our farm and critter would love
to be considered in your next one.




Catherine Lassesen

(These are my personal views not sanctioned by the BOD or Mike May)

Hestehaven - The Horse Garden

Where them hills are a flame..:-)

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