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I realize this  is not fjord related specifically but believe since all of us 
are horse people  and see many different horses I would like to get the word 
out about this study.  They are looking for horses that are malnourished to 
evaluate different feeding  programs. Please get the word out to others. 
               Thanks, Robyn in MD
                      Greetings horse lovers!
my name is Rachael Quinn and I am a  student at the =University of 
Maryland in College Park.  Our Equine  Studies =program is a new program 
and we have chosen the rehabilitation of  the starved =horse as our 
inaugeral research focus.  As the  student in =charge of the research herd 
and the current studies, I am asking for  your =help.  We are currently 
looking to purchase horses of body  condition scores =of 2 (extremely thin 
but still mobile) for use in our research.  I am =asking the rescue 
community for suggestions as to where we  may be able =to purchase these 
kinds of horses - your rescue, auctions,  private =sales, etc.  We are 
currently involved in scoping out the  local auctions, =including New 
Holland and several in MD, PA, VA, OH and  TN, but it =has become 
difficult to find thin horses due to the  healthy =pastures this summer. 
We have the capacity to take in 12 to 24  horses =between now and the winter.
Our research involves the refeeding of  very thin =horses using two 
different diets, with the goal of bringing  the =animals back to a healthy 
weight safely and faster.  As you  know, feeds =that are high in easily 
digestible carbohydrates, such as sweet  feeds with =corn, can cause 
digestive upsets and lead to the loss of  the =horse.  We are 
experimenting with fat and fiber  supplementation to =attempt to increase 
the energy provided by the sweet feed  without =upsetting the delicate 
balance of the digestive tract.  The  research =will involve periodic 
blood sampling through the jugular vein  but is =otherwise uninvasive and 
includes complete veterinary, farrier and  dental =care.  
If you know of any individuals who may be  interested =in working with us, 
please let me know.  Also, please  forward this =message on to other 
rescues who may be interested in becoming  involved =with our research. 
To learn more about us and our current  research =program, please visit 
(aoldb://mail/write/3D) .

thanks for your help,
Rachael Weaver  Quinn
University of Maryland Department of Animal and  Avian =Sciences
Equine Studies Program

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