This message is from: "Linda Lottie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Mark......has the BOD looked into bumper stickers?  I would love a snazzy
bumper sticker for my truck.......All Things Fjord has looked into
bumperstickers but the cost is pretty steep for a business as small as
ours.  I would be happy to pay for a couple
bumperstickers......especially if they are "fun and fjordy:)"

Linda Lottie

>From: Mariposa Farm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> >Reply-To: >To: >Subject:
Re: NFHR Logo >Date: Thu, 19 Aug 2004 08:05:59 -0500 > >This message is
from: Mariposa Farm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > >Hello Everyone, > >I was
one of the people who brought up the idea of changing the NFHR >logo.  I
believed that our present logo was graphically too busy and >didn't
reflect the true versatility of our breed.  We didn't come up >with this
idea because of the merger and we certainly haven't been >operating in
secrecy.  While I agree that the NFHR is a "democracy", >it operates just
like our government, you elect officials to make >the day to day
decisions.  Not have a poll for every one of them.  I >would hope that
you would trust us to do the right thing both with >the logo and with all
the other issues that come up daily. > >My idea concerning the logo was
to only change the Fjords to one >Fjord and leave the rest as is.  It's
been mentioned to have our 25 >years included as well (1981 -2006).  This
would still be >immediately recognizable as the NFHR logo but at the same
time not >indicate that the Fjord is only a draft horse.  Nothing has
been >decided yet and I'm sure the BOD members that are on this list have
>read your concerns. > >Yours, > >Mark McGinley >Mariposa Farm > >Ruth
Bushnell wrote: > >>This message is from: "Ruth Bushnell"
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> >> >> >> >>>Hey, doesn't anyone read their Fjord
Herald, the new logo has now >>>been >>>mentioned in both the Spring and
Summer issue. >>>Sue >>> >>> >> >>I JUST LOOKED at the spring issue,
because I am one who missed it, >>and I >>think because the item was
linked with the  mention of websites I >>never made >>the connection that
it was  T  H  E  logo! (the sacred logo!) >> >>Definitely think this
should be well mulled over before anything is >>done >>about it... does
the Queen update her logo!? do countries change >>their >>flags!? come
on!!!! I'm sure when the minor registry merged with >>the NFHR >>they
would have expected to assume their identity! >> >>changing a well
established logo to somehow accommodate a recent >>minor >>acquisition,
if indeed this is the case,  is unheard of! >> >>I think Karen's idea
about polling is a good one... or we could >>start a >>membership
petition for the preservation of T H E present logo... >>Libby >>might be
a place to begin. >> >>I am more than a little concerned about special
NFHR committees >>which >>apparently are instructed to operate
secretively under the >>leadership of >>their BOD designated persons...
(secrecy in a corporation is taboo, >>both >>legally and morally)
addition there is yet another entity >>promised in >>the same Herald,
"TEAM FJORD," which will "help with the work and >>financial
>>resources." I can't believe that BOD selective diversification of
>>leadership >>of our membership is going to avail us any good thing
other than >>schism! >>Let's keep our cards on the table for everyone to
see! >> >>folks, wake up!! keep your eyes on the business of YOUR
membership. >>Please >>note: a corporation is first and foremost a
democracy and change is >>supposed >>to come from the bottom up, not the
top down, but it's up to YOU as >>individuals to keep it that way. >>
>>Ruthie, nw mt (count me against logo change Karen


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