This message is from: "Donna Kelly" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> I guess I can't do attachments?? As I mentioned I copied this but don't remember from were, or I would give credit to the source. Here it is copied and pasted to email. thanks Donna Kelly Flies
2 cups White Vinegar 1 Cup Avon Skin-So-Soft 1 Cup Water 1 Tablespoon Eucalyptus Oil Mix well and apply with a spray bottle. one part Apple-Cider Vinegar one part Water one part Blue Dawn Dishwashing Liquid Mix well and apply with a spray bottle. **The Dawn has dried some horses skin** 1 Tablespoon Eucalyptus Oil 2 Tablespoons Citronella Oil 1 Tablespoon Camphor Oil 1/3 Cup Hair Conditioner 1/3 Cup Baby Oil 1 Cup Pine Sol (original formula) Water Mix well in a 32 oz. spray bottle and fill the remainder with water. If you decide to play with the recipe, remember that you must have an emulsifier to break down the oils to enable the mixture to mix and be sprayed. Pine Sol has a lot of emulsifiers; the hair conditioner has some too (Suave has quite a bit, more than other brands) 2 Cups Light Mineral Oil 1/2 Cup Lemon Juice 2 Teaspoons Citronella Oil 2 Teaspoons Eucalyptus Oil 2 Teaspoons Lemon Dish Detergent 1/2 Cup Glycerin (optional) Mix well and apply with a spray bottle. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- 1/2 cup apple-cider vinegar Mix it in your horses grain daily and you will start noticing less flies in about two weeks. Adding Brewer's Yeast, Garlic, and desiccated liver supplement will also help repel insects. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ Tie a bounce sheet to your saddle horn to repel insects. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------- Mosquitoes 1 T Vanilla extract 1 C Water The vanilla keeps the mosquitoes away. --------------------------------------------------------------------- For the Barn/House, this will get rid of spiders Lysol Mix Lysol and water. The mixture does not have to be very strong. Wash down walls etc. One application should last all season. I go into the garden center and buy one of those one gallon pesticide sprayers. It holds a gallon, comes with a carrying strap and you pump it up a few times and squeeze the trigger. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------- Plants that repel insects... Flying insects Basil Bay Leaves Cloves Lemon Basil Tansy Pyrethrum Shoo-Fly plant Fleas and Ticks Fleabane Daisy Rosemary Pennyroyal Wasps Sprinkle scouring powder in a can of tuna fish. Put it in a wire cage so your cats can not get to it. It will attract the wasps and kill them. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- Oils that repel insects... Try mixing some of these in with your fly mixes. Peppermint oil Citronella, Lemon Grass, Pennyroyal (fleas), Tea Tree Oil (ticks, leeches, and lice) Lavender ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Make your own flytrap: 3 cups Water 1/4 cup Sugar 1/4 cup Vinegar Mix ingredients. Place in a jar or can with holes in the lid. Place were needed.