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I went to see a fjord horse today, and the ad read the horse was 13 years old 
and 13.1 hands.  When I called on the horse, things didn't make sense.  The 
owner  had put the horse with a trainer who was selling the horse for her.  The 
horse was the brother's horse and he just dumped it on his sister and took 
Anyways, the horse is probably only 2 1/2 years old and I was absolutely in 
shock when I saw her.  I have never, ever seen such a neglected fjord horse and 
just skin and bones with bite marks all over her.  The ears were raw and 
bleeding and she was just so pitiful.  I burst out crying as I was in total 
We don't know what has happened to her, but one thing is obvious, she did not 
get enough food and was probably in with a lot of other horses and was bitten 
and chased away.  It was just sickening.
My friends, Hank and Bitten Nors, from Nors Rancy, met me there and thank 
goodness helped me regain my composure.  The three of us just knew we needed to 
get that horse away from the situation she had been in and also that we didn't 
want to see her get into the wrong hands again, so Hank told me to offer a lot 
less than they were asking, which I did, so I am now the proud owner for a 
rescue fjord horse.
I will be picking her up tomorrow and hopefully with lots of good food and 
TLC she will blossom.
I do not know if she will get any bigger?  We know she is between 2 and 3 
years of age, but will lack of good nourishment in her earlier days. is it too 
late for her to grow more?  Any suggestions as to what I can do for her?  I can 
hardly think about it as it just has gotten me so upset.  Poor, poor little 
animal.  She had the saddest eyes and just looked at me with those big eyes.  
How could I ever leave her behind????  I just couldn't.
There are no papers of course, as nobody seems to know where she came from as 
the socalled brother has taken off.  But I guess that is the least of the 
problems.  The big thing is to get her back to normal weight and let her know 
that humans are capable of giving her love and food.  
I am just shocked at seeing a fjord in such horrid condition.  What a 
Anybody have any suggestions as what to do or not to do?

Rondi in So. Calif.

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