This message is from: Jean Ernest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Gee, Martie, I think you have it the worst!  Well at least for the moment.
The humidity is VERY low right now..hence the fire danger.  It sounds like
you got more rain in one day than we get in the whole summer! It is too bad
there can't be a nice balance..just the right amount of rain both places!

I know the damage flood waters can do..shortly after I arrived in Fairbanks
in l967 they had a "100 year" flood here, and my car was trapped and
flooded, and I helped folks clean up the muck left after the waters
receded.  Nasty! The only thing we don't get here is Tornados!   Here's
hoping things get better for you!

Jean in Hot and dry Fairbanks, ALaska

>    I feel for you and for the poor horses!  90 deg when you aren't used 
>to it is tough.
>    We have the exact opposite here right now.  We are flooded, roads 
>are out, many houses condemned, businesses closed.  Part of the road 
>just below our farm is somewhere on its way to the Chesapeake Bay and 
>driving is 'interesting' at best.  
Jean Ernest
Fairbanks, Alaska

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