This message is from: "Ron & Sherrie Dayton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

HI all,

Those of you that received your show packets for the Libby show, please ignore
the map of the grounds.  The arena is being re-configured and that map is
incorrect.  When Shirley and I were there yesterday the work had already
started, everything is being upgraded and should be really nice.   We'll have
a new map as soon as all the changes are in place.

Also I had a senior moment when I sent out the packets and forgot to include a
set of the show rules, they will be posted on the web-site later today if you
need to down load a  set, or e-mail me and I'll send you a set,  we will also
have them available at Libby for all the exhibitors.

See ya at Libby,

Sherrie Dayton

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