This message is from: Jessica Katzman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Well doesn't everyone like to brag about their Fjords?  Now I have a chance to. 
 I have finally gotten to go to a couple of shows and our Fjords made a good 
appearance.  One June 20, I took our 4 year old mare (The Pines Dana)and our 2 
year old filly (The Pines Tova) to an open show in Franklin Grove, IL.  It was 
a mediocre show, but a good place to bring first timers.  The judge knew what 
our horses were, but just didn't know what to do with them in halter.  (I seem 
to run into this problem quite often...anyone else?)  Tova did place in the 3 
and under halter (2nd out of 7) and got looked at in the color breed halter.  
Dana I guess was just too pony like for the judges liking.  I rode Dana in 
every possible riding class I could even bareback (1st it was.)  She 
was a trooper.  She is a quick bullet.  English was more our forte that day.  
We got 5th's and 6ths for most of the day.  I didn't think that was too shabby 
for her first time at a show riding.  We got lots!
 compliments on how well our horses behaved and how beautiful they were.  (of 
course they are!).  

Next show...this past weekend, June 26 & 27, I took my gelding TUF Brander and 
the 2 year old filly Tova to a show in Rochelle, IL.  I showed Brander both 
days so we could try for a high point award.  Saturday was english riding.  I 
did one jumping class and we won.  The judge told me he looked steady and that 
anyone could ride him...he just needed to be a little faster.  (Brander is kind 
of a putz at times.)  I did hunter in hand and got 5th out of 12 which 
surprised me.  So I got the impression the judge liked him.  So to say we did 
pretty good that day.  We won a few classes like equitation and showmanship.  
We did very well in the english discipline rail class.  We got 2 out of 18.  
This was a class where they asked for counter canter, turn on the forehand, and 
other fun stuff.  By the end of the day Brander was too.  But we had 
one more day left...western.  So he was slow for western.  We did good Sunday 
too.  The judge on Sunday loved the Fjords but had a ve!
 difficult time comparing them to the other horses there for halter.  I found 
this weird because I thought all horses had necks, legs, butts, etc.  I guess 
Fjords are different or something!?  =)  So we didn't place in halter.  Brander 
and I won showmanship again.  He is one good dude.  The riding classes were 
much larger so to place was a good thing.  We placed in most of them.  Everyone 
just loved how Brander just went and did his thing and how cute he was.  I 
think open shows are a good place to promote Fjords.  It can really show off 
the breed and how versatile they are.  Speaking of versatility...Brander and I 
were reserve grand champion high point for the weekend.  We got a big ribbon 
and a nice I had something to rest in at the shows now.  

I would like to say thanks to everyone that has made some very nice comments 
about myself, Dawn and Tyler.  We surely do appreciate it.  We are just horse 
people who love our Fjords and love to show them off in anyway that we can.  We 
do parades, shows, weddings, and other events.  Also congrats to Patricia on 
her purchase of our gelding Norway View Tor.  I hope he makes you very happy.  

Well I guess tata for now.  See everyone at Blue Earth...good luck in all your 

You can visit our website for pictures and other info about   I hope to get show pics and info up soon...busy 
busy getting ready for Blue Earth.


Jessica Katzman 

Lazy Valley Ranch    Chana, IL    

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