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I watched that Horse Shoeing Time on RFDTV last nite. Just so happened to 
have a foundered pony on there. And the farrier was saying how you can see if a 
foundered horse has rotation by just looking at the white line and the width of 
another line. I wasn't watching it with my full attention, so if I missed 
something, please fill me in. 

Also, I'm a firm believer in going barefoot when possible. And half of the 
farriers say you need shoes with founder, and the others say you need shoes 
founder to prevent the coffin bone from going thru the sole, or to give it 
more support.

I'd like to know what your opinions are. What are your reasons for what you 
think is right? 

I personally would like to see Bonnie go barefoot. She is tender now, and I 
think thats normal? Since she's had shoes on for the last year at least, 
possibly 2. She had some shoes on the front called "New Balance"? They are a 
heavy shoe, with a flat toe on them. 

Other concern: When trimming the foundered hoof... do we want a low heel and 
long toe, or short toe and long heel? Do we want to keep the hoof looking like 
a normal hoof, or try and set the coffin bone so it's still at with the 
bottom part on the bottom of the hoof? I know I'm probably confusing you. But a 
farrier told me it would be better to go with a low heel to help correct her 
angle! Is this what I want?

I put new pics up of Bonnie's trim.

Thank you.

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type image/jpeg which had a name of 
Winter .jpg]

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