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Hi Jennie-

"I had the farrier out today! I saw that the last farrier (who was a student 
from a local school) did a horrible job."

** Great. They did all look different lengths in the photos. I've seen high 
priced farriers do rotten jobs, too, so you have to always be critical of their 

"We left her barefoot, to see if she will handle that, 
she is a little ouchy yet. But I hope she gets over that."

** Great idea. I'm what you might call a frothing-at-the-mouth barefoot 
advocate ;-) Being ouchy right after a trim isn't unusual. If you want to ride 
right away, boots work well. I have Old Mac brand -- there are many different 
kinds. You can use them as needed, and they will last a year or more.

"I thought she was overweight. Some say she isn't, but she does have rolls of 
fat under her tail, I don't think that's normal! And on her crest that one 
part is very thick and hard."

** There are different fat appearances. I don't know what causes each one. 
Vets, maybe you can explain this? Some Fjords are just round all over, like 
balloons, while others have sort of normal body shapes but those lumps on the 
and tail area. 

"Yes, she does have some old saddle sores on her withers and under belly. 
There is white patches there. At camps with low spending for programs, tack 
is not 
always high on the list. So you do with what you have. I know my saddle does 
NOT fit her, and in time I hope to find one that will fit her better. I 
western. But when I do ride, I have been riding bareback!"

** Fabulous! I just finished writing an article about saddle fitting which 
will soon be published on our registry's web site, along with a list of saddle 
makes popular with Fjord owners. 

"How I became a Fjord owner: Well, I used to work at that camp. And always 
held a special place in my heart for Bonnie. She was so good, and fun to 
ride. "

** What a great story! And the price is right! Bonnie is lucky to go to a 
home with someone she has a special connection with.

"But I think that last trim was more to blame for her latest lameness than 
founder, as she has had no heat in her feet, or much of any other symptoms."

** I agree. Founder is pretty brutal and over time the feet take on a strange 
appearance. If she's recovering already, it was likely just imbalanced feet. 

"My plans? Well I have a 5 year old daughter that LOVES horses. I wanted a 
nice gentle horse for her to learn on. And that is what Bonnie is. "

** Cool. Wish I had a Fjord when I was 5 :-)

"The guy across the road said 
I should show her on the Buckskin Circuit, that she'd win ribbons. But I have 
never been in a horse show."

**  At least in this area, registration is not required for entry in the 
Fjord shows. You might go to the one nearest you and just watch to get an idea 
what goes on. They are great fun with classes for all levels of experience.

"I will get more pictures up tomorrow. After her trim today, I think she 
much better. Maybe try a bath? I know she hasn't had one in a few years!"

Take the pictures fast, before she rolls :-)

/ )_~
Brigid Wasson
SF Bay Area, CA

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