This message is from: "BO-FJORDS" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Memories with Ron Davis
We at Bo-Fjords sold Ron & Kit their very first fjord "Vena " and eventually
four more of her beautiful full sisters from Rorik & Sandy plus other
bloodline fillys. Also Ron's buddy and famed devoted friend stallion "Lee" and
his faithful team-mate gelding " Flick " as their basis of their breeding
stock, and working horses. We had a wonderful friendly relationship with Ron,
for seven years we met at the Nordic Hostfest in Minot, North Dakota where Ron
& Larry would give free wagon rides to Hostfest visitors  and lynne had a
fjord information booth and Kit would fly in after school to help her in the
booth. After the wagon rides, those happy hours in the barn will be remembered
for a life time.
Ron & Kit provided two greys so we could make up the world's only grey six
horse hitch. When Ron asked Larry to drive their four horse hitch at the Blue
Earth Fjord show, it was a honor as the competition was stiff with Kit riding
shotgun we drove it to a first place finish, Ron was so elated that when the
placings were announced he let out a war-hoop and picked Lynne up off her feet
and whirled her around in the air, he generally didn't show that much
We could go on & on with happy memories that we harbour in our hearts. When
Kit phoned of the bad news, we both cried and cried being both crushed and
devastated. We know he will be watching over us all -
God Bless you Ron and Our Thoughts and Prayers to Kit.
Larry & Lynne from Bo-Fjords

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