This message is from: Eileen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hello All,
I'm in desparate need of some advice. For the past month my vet and I have been both having problems with my saddle slipping sideways on my classic barrel-shaped mare. I'm using a wide tree (38cm) all purpose saddle which seems to fit her well. After searching the archives, I tried the Professional Choice girth, per Gayle W's suggestion. I also use one of those "non-slip" rubber pads you put under throw rugs. These have helped, but the sideways slipping is still really dangerous. I know it's not just me because my vet is an excellent 3-day event rider, skinny and *way* more fit than I am, and she's having problems. My vet has been cranking up the girth, which I hate to do. And that doesn't solve the problem. Yikes, we haven't cantered my mare yet, 'cause trotting is still such a challenge.

   Any suggestions?
(PS sorry if this is a repeat - I tried to post twice before and didn't see my message).

Eileen and 'Jane', the beautiful barrel with legs

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