This message is from: "Ruth Bushnell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>.......What your average Fjord owner can do, however, is attend events
locally. Many
> barns have schooling shows, play days, and clinics. If your friends are
> they can give you a ride.......Brigid

And then your "average Fjord owner" will be above average? =)))) just

What you've said here is true Brigid, and that's a good suggestion too...
and I'm not picking at your post at all...

But I feel like everyone is missing my point (which must be my problem, for
not expressing my idea better) so I keep hoping somebody will "see" what I'm
trying to say, so I can shut up. =)))

How many ways can I say that I am not trying to diminish the value of shows,
and showing Fjords!! I'm all for them, and commend every person and horse
therein... and I suppose that most other people also think they're grand.

Okay, we've established that shows are wonderful and that showing your Fjord
is wonderful too...  here's what bothers me, it is the inference, or
misconception if you will, that any Fjord "path" other than a show circuit
is unacceptable, or of lesser value, and that if  Fjord underachievers were
to only try harder, pay or borrow more, spend more time, (doing something
they might not enjoy or be well suited to) then they too can elevate the
station of their Fjord to a more favorable value and desireable status. (in
the opinion of show buffs).

Maybe I am mistaken! ...and nobody believes that a show horse is superior to
a plough horse? or nobody sees "just" a farm horse as a project? or nobody
regards a FJ nonparticipating owner as a loser?  That would be good!

We are now such a politically correct society, that dares not speak
condescendingly of any human being... regarding their abilities or
opportunities, or any other lack which might devalue them in any way... that
I can't help but wonder why we sometimes tolerate bigoted innuendoes and
condescension within Fjord ranks? I know we're talking animals here =)) but
we have already "humanized" so many facets of our beloved horses... save for
this one pocket of outlandish hierocracy!?

just thinking...

Ruthie, nw mt

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