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Thanks, Jean!

Horse Saddle Shop is pretty impressive!  Looks like they have about every 
type of saddle imagineable there.   :-)   My favorite saddle is the Aussie!  I 
have a semi qtr tree western cordura trail & an aussie that I use with my 24 yr 
old high withered horse Duchesse - when my kids or guest ride, they get the 
western, but I grab dibs on the Aussie!   :-)   Of course, no way either saddle 
will ever work for Loki - even after he looses a bunch of weight!  I'd given 
up on there being such a thing as a fat fjord extra wide tree Aussie saddle 
(and I say that with affection! grin!) until folks emailed in about draft sized 
Aussie saddles.   
This one is from Frontier Equestrian.  Also, Horse Saddle 
Shop sells Aussie in a wide tree, too.  

Next, I am learning if there is a difference between the Aussie "wide tree" 
and the Aussie "draft tree" -- such as, Is one wider than the other?  Are both 
short enough for a short backed fjord?    :-)   Getting closer in the search 

I just want to check it out as thoroughly as I can, *before* invested hard 
earned dinero into the purchase.  Figure if I've carefully looked into in, am 
less likely to make as many costly and unusable mistakes.  The old saying "can 
always sell it later" is not always so great - too often, get back not near as 
much as paid for it, even if sold as brand new (used once), I've noticed over 
the years.    :-)

"...One thing I've noticed...many folks tend to put the saddles too far 
forward on their fjords, ... Feel for the edge of the shoulderblade and keep 
saddle behind the rear edge. Pmay be hard to do on a fat Fjord!..."

LOL!  I am hoping he won't be a chunky monkey for too long!   ;-)   Soon as 
he's home (June 8th) he goes on a diet - hope to see a leaner and fitter Loki 
about end of the summer.  If it takes longer, that's ok - healthy first, 
reaching the goal second!    :-)

Thanks for the placement tip - I'll be careful to watch out for that!

Having trouble getting my pics of Loki to upload to the webpage - hubby's 
promised to help out on that, but pinning him down is (sigh) taking a bit of 
time.    :-)   If anyone would like to see him - and I haven't answered your 
private email yet, sending pics - let me know!  I'll private email 'em over.  I 
have two pics of Loki current (this spring) and one of him lean n' trim when he 
was still owned by Ken McNabb, he's harnessed and in a 5day wagon train in that 

Sher in Colorado

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