This message is from: "Ben Feldman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Just joined the fjord digest list, and introducing myself -- Susie from
Massachusetts. I have two fjord mares, who have been part of the family for
about four years, and are much beloved. Mostly we use them for trail riding in
our woodland; their main occupation is family pets. As I'm approaching
retirement, I'm looking forward to being able to spend more time riding and
just being around these delightful friends.........

The story I have to share with you isn't the prettiest. Last fall I decided I
wanted a gelding to add  to the family, and bought a super-sweet boy from New
Hampshire ( Nelson); he did very well and fit in fine with the "girls". Sadly,
about January he started to lose weight at an incredible rate of speed, and
would eat nothing: after numerous vet calls and visits, and attempts at all
sorts of remedies, it became obvious that he was suffering from a digestive
tumor, and we had to put him down. It was a real bummer, but we decided such a
thing wouldn't happen twice and we'd just try again. So   in March we found,
with the help of a wonderfully helpful horse friend, another gelding in Rhode
Island ( Bjarne) who, strangely enough, was full brother to my mare Elke.
Typical fjord, pleasant, energetic, nice to be around, so we purchased him and
were getting  along very well, when one day he didn't appear at suppertime.
Found him in the pasture unable to walk, and the vet determined that he had
broken his hind leg below the hock. Nothing to do except the
awful........we'll never know how it happened, no signs of a kick or
anything.......we can only imagine that he somehow slipped ( it had been
rainy) and fell and landed wrong. Anyway, it made for a really sad

So we're not giving up this time either. I'm going to look again, and hope
that the third attempt is charmed. In case anybody knows of a middle-aged,
easygoing fellow ( of the equine kind!) who'd like to hang around for casual
riding and maybe driving, do let me know........looking in the New England

Well, it's almost summer although today is cold and drizzly. I'm a teacher, so
am  eagerly anticipating more horse time over the upcoming months!!! Nice to
meet a whole bunch of new friends and their horsey families, be talking to you

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