This message is from: "Pat Holland" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> thanks for posting the article, i am going to print it and read it over
> again.
> laurie with
> central minnesota

I'm very glad the article helped. I think there are many people out there
whom will not admit the fear - for some reason horse people feel they have
to be macho - or perhaps its the old "cowboy"  - get back on and ride it out
thinking. Who knows.
Good luck Laurie - keep us up on your progress, as they said it sometimes
takes time.

 discussing the theory that white hoofs are not as
> durable as dark hoofs.

I have a QH gelding right now with four white - and he is a royal pain in
keeping his feet healthy. I pick his feet daily, apply hoof dressing as
needed and now have a thrush and white line problem thats driving me crazy.
He is either in a clean stall or a clean paddock.  He is 100% healthy
otherwise - I've tried the Biotin route - and  thrush medicine -  Iodine,
Clorox and water, Kopertox,  I keep his feet clean and medicate every day.
If anyone has any other suggestions please let me know. This horse does not
stand in mud or manure pack.

Pat Holland
Northwestern Illinois

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