This message is from: Gina Larson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hello Friends--

Hope all are enjoying the spring weather.  It's still
a little cold here in NE WI though, but the sun is
finally shining!

I don't want to put the cart before the horse so to
speak, but I am starting to do some research into
purchasing my first fjord!  Finally, Yay!

So far all is a go with the sale of my rambunctious
thoroughbred, but I don't want to start seriously
looking for another horse until all is final and he is
permanently in his new home.  

Regardless, I started to do a little looking and am
feeling a touch overwhelmed.  I found a breeder
directory that listed over 100 fjord breeders!  I am
hoping to puchase in the Midwest due to transportation
issues.  I'm looking for a fjord to ride, on the
taller side, to be my lesson horse and trail
companion.  I would prefer a horse that is already
trained to ride, but would consider a younger horse as
I have a friend who is a talented trainer.  

The thing is, I have a pretty meager budget of no more
than $3000, and I'm starting to think that is
unrealistically low with what I have been finding on
the internet so far.

Again, I'm not in any particular hurry and have to
wait until the end of the month anyway until the sale
of my horse is final).  But I was wondering if anyone
could offer any guidance or advice at this point in my

I also caught word of a pair of fjords right here in
my home county that are informally for sale, but I
have no other info on them yet.  

I can hardly believe this is actually happening!

Thank you so much!

Gina Larson
Marinette WI

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