This message is from: Tamara Rousso <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

--- Jean Ernest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Tamara, you might put a divider in the tub, or put
> two feeders out so she
> gets her share, or he will get too fat and she will
> be skinny!

I actually do have two feeders in the pen.  I just
couldn't get one of the horses to stroll on down to
the other feeder, so this morning I drug the other tub
up so both tubs were side by side.  Then I filled both
with the same amounts and had Harrison on an inside
corner and the mare on the outside. " Now", I thought
to myself, "even if tries to eat out of both the mare
can still get in".   Ha!  Outsmarted by a horse!  He
just used his big ol' body to get between her and the
tubs so she was blocked out.  I drug the tub back down
several yards away and that time the mare had the good
sense to follow me.  Horses sure are funny.

Sunny California 

If you would be a real seeker after truth, it is necessary that at least
once in your life you doubt, as far as possible, all things. Rene Descart

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