This message is from: "Karen Keith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Oops! That last post was meant to go to Cynthia privately. Too quick on the SEND button.

But as long as it's out there, a big thanks to my Secret Santa, whoever you are. Your package arrived earlier in the week. It was a ball cap, tee shirt and decals with a fjord horse logo. Now I just need a translation from someone who speaks Norwegian:

Oslo og Akershus

Please, Secret Santa, 'fess up.  Who are you?

You can email me at [EMAIL PROTECTED] or on the list. My hotmail address is a bit dodgy on the receive side unless you're in my address book already. I used to get 50 "junk" (non-address book) emails a day, but hotmail went to a new format and suddenly I'm getting maybe four or five a day. I don't miss all the porn and spam junk mails, but I have a feeling other people's emails are not arriving either.

Thanks again, Secret Santa, and a big thanks to the Head Elf!  Good work.

Happy New Year, all!


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