This message is from: Gina Larson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hello All!

I've been enjoying my lurking status here on the list
and am banking away all that I have been learning.  I
really appreciate having such a wonderful resource
from which to learn about my favorite breed...from
people who have firsthand experience, and are
passionate about their horses.  I took particular note
of the post regarding "The law of Value"  I do agree
very much with what Carol said.  Unfortunately, It
sometimes seems that this makes horse owners
an elitist group.  It is frustrating for a person who
has worked hard her whole life (yes, I'm only 27,
still young), owns her own business, pays rent, board
and supports herself, completely on her own, and is
able to meet the daily financial responsibilty of
horse ownership, And has all the time and love to
give.  But just doesn't have $10,000, $5000, or even
$2000 for the purchase price of a new horse.  

I was one of those "bargain shoppers"  Not because I
was cheap, or wanted to find the best deal, but
because I had no other choice!  I wanted to make my
lifelong dream of owning a horse come true and I had
to do so with the limited resources I had.  You might
remeber me from when I joined the list and told you
about the thoroughbred I rescued for the mere price of
$300.  I admit It would have been much easier to have
a more refined, trained horse that was trail ready for
me.  And, I admit, I have not always felt safe with
him.  He has taken a tremendous amount of time and
patience.  But I  overcome each challenge as I am
faced with it and Chester has turned out to be a
beautiful, healthy horse, and I a stronger, more
confident person.  Sometimes though I feel like I have
been reluctant to give him a chance because he is not
the fjord I dreamed my first horse would be!    

I realize it will likely be many years before I am
able to save enough for a fjord, unless I win the
lottery first!  I admit as well that I have "window
shopped" by price...checking out pmu mares, green
broke fjords, those that have been left to pasture
with little human contact.  And, you are right, you
get what you pay for!  

The poor economy has really affected my business. 
Hopefully the new year will bring improvement and the
fjord piggy bank will fill up a little faster!

Thank you All.  We are finally getting snow here in
WI!  Happy holidays to All!

Gina Larson
Marinette, WI

It seems to me that the THE LAW OF VALUE applies more
to horse 
than to anything else.  You might lose money, time,
and your temper 
other cheap purchases, but buying a bargain horse can
hurt you, or kill 
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