This message is from: "Janne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Carol, you are right on.  I have read this before and have tried to live by it
as well. There are manay times when Mark and I will say, "boy, was that ever
the best thing we ever bought", and it is always about a quality item of any
sort. And we never even think back on the $ amount.  However, soooo many times
it is, "what junk", when you think you got a real deal.

BUT, there are rare occasions when you can get a deal, ever so rare.  Two
years ago, I had looked at a 2 year old QH filly I had seen literally in a
pasture off a highway, but she was way out of reach for me to buy at the time.
I was saddened, but moved on.  (my hubby was relieved, ha)  Then this last
fall, I happened to come by an add on the web, and it seemed to me to be the
same horse, - sure enough it was, and I went to check on her again, this time
the owner was moving out of state the next week, and wanted to sell her to a
good home, for 1/4 of the former price.  Well, she was now trained to ride and
healthy, and yes, she is now out in my barn.  Rare, but a deal!

I have recently adv. some fjords on here for a dear friend, couple of them are
also a deal as far as $$ goes, as they are well started and very nice young
geldings, some are relatively good deals, but young as well.  There is def. a
buyers market out there, at least in the Central part of the US.  What I have
found is that people get very leary because they are priced low, which I can
understand, - we are NOT trying to lower the market, it is just that this
friend needs to move these fjords, and does not need to make a living on the
$$$.  ( that would be nice!)  I am not making a dime on any of this, just
hoping to find some good using fjord homes for several nice fjords.  Actually,
I have tried to talk him UP in price, - that feels weird in the horse world!

Anyway, just wanted to clearify where we are coming from up here in ND.


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