This message is from: "Cheryl Beillard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi Kay .. welcome to the List .. usually I send these notes privately but as 
I've had several enquiries pre-Xmas .. I
thought I'd tell everyone that I have a stock of leather long lines, made by 
Olaf Nyby .. who's coming to PA to work
with Saddlebreds, I believe, this month .. and the stock is fast depleting.  It 
takes me about 3 weeks to get them in,
from the time I send him an order to when he fills it .. some of you who have 
purchased them from Olaf at clinics know
how nice they are ..  supple and with enough weight that they don't wave around 
like ribbons as some of the nylon ones
do.   Here's the link to the page of my website where you can see pictures of 
them ..
You can order over the Net, and pay by Visa/MC .. but I have only 3 sets left 
out of this batch.  The next will arrive
in mid-January.

And as a by the way, I am SO glad to have my email again . we had an early  
winter storm and our power has been out for
4 days .. we ran out of stored water 2 days ago and have been trucking it in 
half filled water tanks, after loading with
buckets from a stream that flows all winter .. on a hill, with ice.  Not 
pleasant.  But that's par for the course, these
days, since they privatized the distribution of electricity in Ontario.  And 
this morning we heard that the generator we
have had on order for months and was due in this week ... won't arrive till 
January at the earliest.  I should have
learned my lesson after the ice storm 5 years ago where we were out for 12 days 
(actually ME all alone as my husband had
cleverly headed into town the day before it hit, thinking driving might be 
problematic).  Our 8 horses are all getting
frozen muzzles from eating snow and they rush to the barn when they see "the 
water truck" when it arrives!  I'm about to
go and fill all the buckets and other containers while we do  have power 
because they are predicting high winds which
means more branches to fall on the lines.

Cheryl Beillard
Wake-Robin Farm Fjords
Douglas, Ontario
(613) 649-2437

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