This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 11/15/03 3:35:58 PM Pacific Standard Time, 

<< I'll be anxious to hear any suggestions.
 Susan Lawson >>

   Hi List !  Hi Susan  !   I know, I know.....Ive been AWOL for over a year 
now, but been back on line for a week or so and just catching my breath on the 
mail/lists ect. No real excuse for dropping off here, but we took this year 
off much showing, got our ( big ) barn built, traveled 3 times back to MN. for 
various family issues, and just decided that I did not have the spare time to 
play on the computer. 

   I put a hold on Nursing for my first break in 15 years, and took in a 
youth correction kid.....and am very happy to stay home being a barn goddess to 
Fjords. We had 2 mares bred for this year, but one had a false pregnancy ( 
she checked in foal twice ultrasound at 30 and 45 days. so slipped it somewhere 
early on ) but were very happy to get a beautiful filly out of a leased mare, 
Kari, belonging to Catherine Lassessen. She is PF Gra Flicka, a grey girl, and 
of course the queen of the place. We are buying her dam,Kari from Catherine, 
and will be offering 2 beautiful mares, one bred, both riding and driving for 
sale......another post. 

   Drove alot of singles and pairs for pleasure, but got the 4-in-hand out a 
few times with a new group of " spares. "  Our beloved Heljo's Kaiser is in 
his late teens and will be retired from showing after this next 
to bring on the other steady " teachers " to help start all these youngsters 
in multiples. 

   I visited another Fjord person, a lurker on the list....  :   )    Kathy 
Johnson, in Minnesota, where I spent the most wonderful day with her and her 
beautiful home and horse facility. She has a riding / driving program for 
physically challenged kids, called " We Can Ride " and I was very impressed 
with her 
energy, unbelivable grounds, barn, home ect. Her Fjords were fit, happy and 
well loved. I hope she can post here about her Fjords and what she does with 
them, soon ! 

  I also visited the Brandt's while in MN. and fell in love with a few of 
their Fjords and beautiful farm in Stillwater. Fred and his wife share a great 
vision for the future of these Fjords, and I was very impressed with their 
knowledge of the current Fjord population and problems of marketing and 
ect. I enjoyed the time spent with them, and would steer anyone towards their 
breeding program.

   First time in 8 years I did not attend the Blue Earth Fjord show, and have 
to say that I missed all the friends from the midwest Fjord group !  We 
planned on showing at the Libby Mt. show, but a last min. death of my birth 
( found 3 years ago ) had me flying back to MN. and we didnt get to go to 
Libby. NEXT Sep. Brian, Ursula, Michele, Beth, Sandy, ect. ?????  

     Enough catching up.....I wanted to answer this last post from Susan. I 
havnt changed much in sharing my ( always humble ) opinions here so here go's 

          OK, Susan. Your Fjord mare sounds like a wonderful girl ! We need 
to have lots more Fjords, esp. out West, showing up and making this breed look 
good at CDE's and pleasure shows !  I look forward to seeing you next year at 
a few events.
   I did have some questions about some of your good post. The first thing 
that caught my eye, was the comment of your girl being " trained to drive 
she was two. "  More on that in a second..... Then stated,  "rode, worked at 
therapy, shown out of state, traveled, slide stops, jumped, " ect. You did not 
give a time frame for these disaplines, but shows for sure what a talented 
girl you have ! 

   The part about " hadnt driven in 7 years, " and " we just hooked her up 
and drove her off " gave me my daily heart attack, and I said a quick prayer of 
thanks that you did not suffer a wreck of some kind, like so many people do, 
attempting to hook or re-hook a horse after a long spell without lots of 
refreshing. We have covered this topic alot in the past on this list, so will 
keep this alive, only to say that angels were riding beside you that day !  It 
also speaks well to her trust in you, and previous training, but kiddies, DONT 
TRY THIS AT HOME  !    :   /

   Her reluctance to enter water is just a pretty normal issue of any equine, 
who has not been brought along from youngsters on, to jump into water or any 
obstical not normally seen or used to. Mine have seizures over other stupid 
things, like painted blue handicap parking spots, manhole covers, elephants, ( 
dont ask ) and once a loose pot belly pig, even though we had our OWN piggy at 
home who slept under their feeders, hoping for a spill of chow. 

   Her issues of water, her problems of " hard diagonals " in your dressage 
tests, and your comment of " bullying her does not help ", no strengh can stop 
her ???? " tells me that , IMHO of course, that she is competing at a level 
beond her current ability. The whole reason of the levels of CDE's, is to stay 
at the level of training for each of the 3 differant disaplines, till you " get 
it ", then, move up and try another ( and harder ) one. The training level 
dressage tests are designed for horses who are working on these exact 
things.....suppleness on the bit.....bending properly ( without bullying or 
stopping or bolting issues ) water hazzards, ect. ect. in the marathon section. 
Starting in prelim. is simply passing up a nessessary stage of her ability to 
compete and get improved scores at the next level. I hope that Vivian or Jerry 
jumps in here, as they are out " doing it " and can better explane the 
importance of this. If you move up to intermediate level with the training 
TRAINING unresolved, then I believe that she will not be able to make good 
and show you another high-point year. There is no reason to push her into an 
advanced stage of CDE's without mastering the begining stages.....sort of like 
handing your kid the car keys without drivers ed. class, or jumping a horse 
a 6' fence without ever trying a 3 foot one. 

    Im not sure of course, but her " pacing " and digging trench's in her 
stall, is a signal that shes FEELING something.....pushed ? stressed ? and 
allowing her to relax, and enjoy competing at the proper level for her current 
abilitys will sure not hurt. Dont let anyone tell you that being in a stall or 
anything but a 200 acre pasture is her problem.....I have about 50 / 50 in and 
here, and I have no fewer confinement problems with either group. In fact, my 
big bad brood, show string mares, all share a very large pasture, but at any 
given time, cram themselves into a corner or shelter and snooze or share a hay 
pile, while my barned horses get regular work and turnout, and are just as 
happy to head back to their stalls. 

    So much for keeping short posts ! Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !  Sorry if I bored 
anyone, but I guess thats what the scroll button is for !  Hope to hear more 
from other Fjord folks that show and do CDE's.  More later on sale mares and 

                             Lisa Pedersen / Cedar City, UTAH, where its in 
the upper 40's and cloudy, snow on the mountian and we are ( always ) doing 
rain dances.

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