This message is from: Tamara Rousso <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To tell you the truth Fjords speak to my soul.  I
don't know what it is about them, but I love LOOKING
at them.  I told my friend that if I got one and it
didn't turn out to be everything everyone says and it
was just a lawn ornament I'd still be happy because I
just LOVE to look at them.  BUT then my pragmatic side
says I should listen to my friend who wants to save
less desirable horses and perhaps save some money too.
 I'm thinking I'm going to have me a Fjord someday ;o)


--- ruth bushnell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This message is from: "ruth bushnell"
> > "What is the best breed of draft horse/pony?" Our
> standard answer goes
> something
> > like...... Which breed, when you look at it, makes
> your heart beat faster?
> ........Amy>>>>>>
> Funny thing is Amy....  we started out with those
> which made our "heart beat
> faster"... beautiful flashy Arabs which caught our
> eye, but as it turned
> out, their hearts beat faster than ours (hee hee
> hee) and their beauty was
> hide deep.
> When Gene first mentioned Fjords as a possible
> better alternative I thought
> he was losing it ! As I recall, I had to look at
> them for a  while before
> they cast their spell upon me. Now there is no other
> breed of horse for us!
> Fjords are uniquely special because of their sweet
> spirits and I perceive
> them to be the most beautiful breed of horse on
> earth.
> Maybe the solution for the friend who has
> reservations is to allow her to
> try before she buys.... just a bit of exposure would
> make her a believer!
> Fjords get right up in your face with their
> friendliness, "love me!" they
> say. Then you begin to sense their underlying
> serenity and ageless
> wisdom.... and you're hooked!    =)))
> Ruthie, nw mt

If you would be a real seeker after truth, it is necessary that at least
once in your life you doubt, as far as possible, all things. Rene Descart

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