This message is from: Nancy Newport <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Vivian we are so proud of you! And I know how
hard you have worked. Is there anyone on this
list who could help you get a corporate
sponsorship? We look forward to seeing you at
Black Prong.

I like the "pony mind set" as I think my Fjords
think a little longer before the fright and
flight instinct sets in. This particularly helps
in combined driving when i ask them to go
somewhere new (hazard, etc.)They listen to me and
then go rather than get upset about flapping
flags, or whatever. I also think it helps in
situations where they may be stuck in a fence,
etc. They will wait rather than flail around.

I've had my mares get stubborn, but when we work
through that particular occassion, it never
happens again.

We just competed at the Canterbury Driving Trial
in Gainesville, FL and won first place in pony
training pairs (we were the only ones in the
class, but we didn't eliminate!). Also had some
nice comments from David Wharton, the judge, who
doesn't "hate" Fjords, in fact he's friends with
the Unraus and told a story at dinner about the
Unraus taking some green horses out of the field
to be able to participate in an event and doing
very well!


Dave and Nancy Newport
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